Claim Your Incredible 2024 - How To Sell Your Art Online By Mastering THIS Skill

Episode 37 Show Transcript - Empowered Artist Podcast

Hey there, Empowered Artists! It's Jenna Webb, and I'm thrilled to welcome you back to the Empowered Artist Podcast.

As your art business coach and influencer, my mission is to help artists like you sell your art online, grow your online art business, and live your dream life as a full-time artist.

Today, we're diving deep into a crucial topic: identifying the one big skill you need to master in 2024. Let's kick off this new year with purpose and intention.

A Little About Me

Before we dive into today's topic, let me briefly introduce myself. I'm Jenna Webb, an artist, marketing coach, founder of Artpreneur Academy, and a chronic illness warrior.

I've been on a journey to turn my passion for art into a successful business, and along the way, I've helped thousands of artists achieve their dreams too. If I can do it, so can you.

Claiming Your Beginning

2024 is here, and I want to start by saying that it's never too late to claim your beginning.

Even if you feel a bit shaky on your goals or direction, I promise that you can still have an incredible year. I'll be here supporting you every step of the way.

My Story of Overcoming Challenges

Let me share a personal story about why I panicked at the start of 2023. I don't do resolutions; I'm all about setting goals…

Last year, my year started five weeks late due to long COVID, which I had unknowingly gifted to my entire family for Christmas.

As someone who thrives on productivity and as an entrepreneur, being laid up in bed for five weeks felt like an eternity.

But 2023 turned out to be incredible despite the late start. I conquered my doubts, started a podcast, and recorded over 33 episodes, all while dealing with chronic health issues.

The lesson here is that the timing of the new year is arbitrary; you can choose your new beginning anytime.

The SWOT Method for Success

In our last two episodes, we explored the SWOT method for growing your creative business. SWOT stands for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats, but in our version, the 'T' stands for "THE skill you don't have yet."

We focus on what we can control and the skills we can learn to grow our businesses.

Identifying Your One Big Skill

Now, let's dive into the six questions to help you identify the one big skill you should master this year:

1. What is your goal?

Define your specific goal for 2024.

2. What knowledge, skills, and abilities do those who have already reached that goal possess?

List all the skills and knowledge you need to achieve your goal.

3. What is the one most important skill on the list for you to master this year?

Choose the skill that will have the most significant impact on reaching your goal.

4. Is the skill you picked transformative enough?

Ensure that the skill has the potential to completely transform your current situation and excites you.

5. Is this skill important to you?

Check if learning this skill aligns with your values and purpose. It should be something you genuinely want to pursue.

6. If not, pick another skill.

  • If your chosen skill doesn't meet the criteria in questions four and five, select a different one.

Take a moment to reflect on these questions and identify your goal and the skill you need to master. Feel free to share your answers with us; we'd love to hear from you.

Get the Support You Need!

Choosing the right goal and sticking to it for an entire year can be challenging. That's where I come in to help. If you want personalized support for your goals, consider joining our Artpreneur Academy's VIP program.

You'll get access to exclusive coaching sessions with me, and for a limited time, your first month is free when you sign up.

CLICK HERE to join the Artpreneur Monthly VIP January LIVE Goals Coaching Session

Spread the Empowered Artist Mission

If today's episode resonated with you, I'd greatly appreciate it if you could share it with a friend. Your support helps spread the mission of the empowered artist, and your five-star written reviews on Apple Podcasts mean the world to me.

Thank you for tuning in, following, and supporting the Empowered Artist Podcast. I'll be back next week with more valuable insights and strategies to help you achieve your art business goals. Until then, keep chasing your dreams and living the life you love.

Love and Positive Vibes,


PS - Would you do me a solid, my love? Would you take a quick minute to Subscribe + Rate the Show 5 Stars!? ⭐️ Your support means the world to me & it really helps artists like you discover a message they need.


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SWOT Analysis - Planning and Strategy to Grow a Creative Business (Part 2)