3 Ways To Sell Art Confidently And Stop Pricing Low [Art Pricing at Full Value with a Fearless Mindset]

Episode 16 Show Transcript - Empowered Artist Podcast

Strategies to Sell Your Art Confidently

Today, let's dive into three strategies for confidently selling your art at its full value and putting an end to underpricing. We'll explore the concepts of tiered pricing, upsells, downsells, and the importance of effective re-marketing.

Welcome back, beautiful soul. This episode is brimming with insights to help you firmly stand behind the value of your artwork. These strategies have not only benefited my art business but have also proven effective for my art students.

I guide them to raise their prices, even though it can be daunting initially. They often discover the immense benefits and rewards of doing so.

The Power of Tiered Pricing: A Win-Win Strategy

Have you ever slashed your art prices due to worries about sales, or impatiently lowered. your art prices? If so, I completely understand. We've all been there. However, I encourage you not to let fear or rushed decisions dictate your pricing strategy.

Before we dive into the strategies, I’ll share a couple of updates since our last episode where I shared the loss of my cherished pet, Gus. I've been deeply touched by your support. The messages, DMs, Instagram comments, and emails sharing your own experiences of pet and human losses have been heartwarming. Thank you for connecting and sharing your stories.

Moving on, let's jump into the three strategies to sell your art at its rightful value and break the cycle of lowering prices.

Strategy one: Embrace tiered pricing, allowing for upsells and downsells. This approach caters to various customer budgets, ensuring you meet them where they are. It's essential not to come across as pushy or overly sales-focused. By accommodating different price points, you create a win-win scenario.

For instance, prints should naturally cost less than original artwork. Commissions, personalized pieces tailored to the buyer's requests, command higher prices. Similarly, small paintings should be priced lower than larger ones, factoring in the time and materials involved. Sculptors can apply the same logic to their creations.

Tiered pricing offers flexibility, tailoring your offerings to individual buyers. This eliminates the pressure to cater to a mass audience and empowers you to serve the right buyer for each piece.

Re-marketing Art: The Rule of Seven and Beyond

Strategy two: Master the art of re-marketing. The Rule of Seven in marketing suggests that customers need exposure to an offer around seven times before committing to a purchase. This principle varies based on audience, offer quality, and marketing channels. However, if you're yet to establish a solid connection with your audience through your story and purpose, multiply that rule by three for a more accurate estimate—aim for around 21 exposures.

Remember, marketing doesn't solely revolve around offers. Purpose-driven content, as discussed in episodes three and ten, plays a pivotal role. Strengthen your branding and engagement with your audience to make the rule of seven more effective.

The Heart of Your Art: Belief in Self and Value

Strategy three: Begin with self-belief. Understand the value your art brings to the world and the emotional impact it has on collectors. Reflect on your own experiences as an art buyer. Consider the feelings evoked by owning a piece of art and the significance of each creation you craft. Your creations possess value beyond material and time, embodying your emotions and energy.

Recognize that your time is valuable. Every moment spent creating art is a choice. Embrace your role as a professional artist, valuing your craft and expertise. Your pricing should reflect not only the cost of materials and time but also the intangible worth of your unique creations.

Crafting a Journey of Confidence and Value

In conclusion, the three strategies to sell your art at its full value are: first, tiered pricing with upsells and downsells; second, strategic re-marketing; and third, embracing self-belief. Remember, you're not just selling art; you're offering emotion, connection, and a piece of yourself.

Keep shining, and I'll catch you in the next episode.

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Love and Positive Vibes,


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