Define Your Why To Sell Your Art More Effectively  - FREE Guide

Why you create is the most fascinating thing you can share with your art buyers

The deeper you go on your WHY, the more connection you build with clients, and ultimately the more art you sell.

The FREE Guide Covers:

  • 4 ways to use your why to sell your art online

  • 13 Supporting why questions to get deep on your why

  • How to overcome writer’s block

  • How to boost creativity

  • How to go on a Why Walk 

  • The brain chemicals stimulated on a Why Walk - neuroscience creativity hack

Unlock the creativity hack, backed by neuroscience, to help you break through any writer's block. Discover the truly optimal place for your brain to do that introspection and work on your why, your deeper purpose, your artist's statement. This will help you with so many things in your life and art business.

Hey there Beautiful Soul!

I’m Jenna and I help artists turn their craft into their careers.