How to start an art business with an email list - the #1 art marketing tool to sell your art online

Episode 8 Show Transcript - Empowered Artist Podcast

How would you like to sell out an art collection before the paint is dry?

In this episode I’ll teach you the value of email marketing in your art business.

Not using this marketing tool from day 1 as an artist was my #1 business regret because once I did my profits increased.

In this episode:

  • 8 email marketing industry facts

  • 3 ways artists can use email marketing to increase their sales

  • How to Build Your List of Eager Art Buyers Instantly with my free download.

  • I’ll hook you up with a done-for-you email campaign that requires ZERO technical knowledge so you can start collecting valuable email subscribers now.

  • AND 3 ways artists can use email marketing to increase their sales

Welcome back to the show, beautiful soul.

If you are new here, I invite you to listen to the trailer episode 1:

If I was starting my business over again today the #1 thing I would do differently is begin building my emails from day 1.

I would not create one more work of art, 1 more social media post, or go to one more art show without setting up my email list to collect customer contacts.

I made this episode so you can Avoid my #1 art business mistake and get started today

An email list is your client list of raving fans.

Email marketing is a proven method to help you build a prospect base, make sales and grow your art business.

Building an email list to serve my customers regular offers was one of the biggest keys to my success.

It helped me automate my sales by sending offers to my customers who said - “hey jenna i love your art so much, let me be on your list so I can hear about new arrivals first”!

and it's one of the biggest regrets that I stalled so long because I was scared

the big fear That stopped me from collecting emails for a newsletter is that I thought I had to be ready to send newsletter.

I wasn't ready I didn't know what to write

but had I started collecting the email addresses anyway as I was meeting people who loved my art

I missed out on a ton of warm leads which are the best kind of leads to make sales in your art business

Email marketing allows you to collect names, email & physical addresses of potential clients online as well as customers you are meeting at art shows, craft fairs, galleries, and other places.

The problem my special media presence was growing fast but unfortunately it was a BIG missed opportunity

You don't actually have to start writing newsletters today in order to start collecting the email addresses

In the Artpreneur Academy program, I show you exactly what to say in your newsletters, word for word, when you're ready to send them.

I tell all of my students to start an email list immediately and no matter what stage their business is in. And we work on the email marketing together later in the course.

Free Email Guide

Collecting the emails today is CRUCIAL. Don’t go to 1 more art show or post 1 more piece of social content without it!

If you want a pre-sold art collection before the paint is dry. Sign up for the Free email guide below!

Email marketing allows you to nurture personalized, long-term relationships with your subscribers.

You may be wondering the same thing Cheynee asked in our Free Empowered Artists FB Group.

Do people really want another email? Is email marketing effective?

The answer is absolutely, 100% YES!

Artists should absolutely use email marketing to generate sales and customer engagement.

Lets talk about why.

Here are 8 email marketing industry facts you should know for your art business:

FACT 1 - 99% of email users are checking their email daily. that's huge I don't check my social media daily

FACT 2 - There are 4 billion daily email users, and this number is expected to climb to 4.6 billion by 2025.

mobile devices account for about 60% of email opened

FACT 3 email generates $42 for every dollar spent.

That makes email marking one of the most cost-effective marketing tools to promote your art.

Even if that dollar spent is your time creating that email, you do get a return on that time or money that you spent.

FACT 4 - The average open rate for all industries analyzed is 21.33%.

Email marketing software for artists ensures a high inbox delivery, which ultimately builds up your fan base. 3

FACT 5 - You own your email customer list, you do not own your social media followers.

Chances are only 3-5% of your IG followers are actually seeing your posts right now.

The platform owns that and controls they content they see and with a glitch those followers can be wiped away.

But email open rates for artists tend to be higher than the average 21.33%

In your email ecosystem you have control!

FACT 6 - 89% of marketers use email as the primary channel for generating leads

FACT 7 - professional marketers have found 760% increase in revenue from building email lists

FACT 8 - 64% of small businesses use email marketing to reach customers.

The stats show how important this is for you.

that it is something that you should be doing in your business and if you're not you should definitely have it on your action plan this week.

If the big companies are doing this and its proven. You should be doing this. Its a personal way to be in touch with your raving fans in your own ecosystem of art vibes.

3 ways artists can use email marketing to increase their sales:

  1. Email marketing allows you to promote their artwork to their subscribers. People expect sales-focused messages from email marketing, so they are far less likely to click away than they would be with social media. 4 By including links to your online store, artists can make it easier for subscribers to purchase their work. 1

  2. Build relationships: Email marketing allows artists to communicate with their subscribers regularly and consistently, which can help build and maintain relationships. People buy from others they know, like, and trust, and email is a perfect ecosystem to cultivate these experiences with your customers.

  3. Email marketing allows artists to develop long-term interest in their art by regularly sending out an email newsletter to fans, friends, and potential art buyers.

Don't live in regret and wasted time like me. So I’m going to hook you up with my Free Email Guide

Inside the Free Email Guide You’ll learn:

  • About email service providers

  • Not your gmail!

  • Why I DON’T recommend MailChimp, and 2 other service provider options that are better how to create an opt-in page for subscribers to sign up for your list and you won't need a website to do it

  • the software I use also has a built-in email service provider

  • Download my done-for-you campaign that requires ZERO technical knowledge so you can start collecting valuable email subscribers now.

Collecting the emails today is CRUCIAL. Don’t go to 1 more art show or post 1 more piece of social content without it!

If you want a pre-sold art collection before the paint is dry. Download the Free email guide below!

Love and Positive Vibes,


PS - Would you do me a solid, my love? Would you take a quick minute to Subscribe + Rate the Show 5 Stars!? ⭐️ Your support means the world to me & it really helps artists like you discover a message they need.


Empowered Artist Podcast Site: Freebies + Leave a Voicemail

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