The Art Pricing Formula: How to Price Your Art Objectively and Consistently

Episode 29 Show Transcript - Empowered Artist Podcast

Hi my love, it's Jenna Webb, your trusted online art business coach and influencer.

In today's blog post, we're going to dive deep into the world of art pricing.

If you've ever found yourself unsure about how to price your art, you're in the right place.

We'll explore popular art pricing methods, what you should base your art prices on, and what you definitely should not. Let's get started!

Art Pricing Methods: What Works and What Doesn't

Art pricing can be a daunting task, and there are various methods floating around. It's easy to get confused and frustrated. However, keep in mind that there's no one-size-fits-all approach to pricing art. Each artist is unique, and your pricing strategy should reflect your individual circumstances and goals.

The Time Spent Myth

One common mistake artists make is basing their prices on the time spent creating a piece. The truth is, the amount of time you put into a work doesn't necessarily make it more valuable. You could spend days on a piece and still not achieve the desired result, or you might create a masterpiece in a matter of hours. Time spent should not be the sole determinant of your art's value.

Art School or Art Class Costs

The cost of art education or classes should not be a factor in your pricing. It doesn't inherently make your artwork more valuable than another artist's work. Your pricing should be based on the quality of your work, not the expenses you incurred while learning your craft.

Doubling or Tripling Art Material Costs

Simply doubling or tripling the cost of your materials is not a comprehensive pricing strategy. It overlooks crucial factors like your skill level and the labor involved in creating the artwork. Materials cost is just one piece of the puzzle.

Art Pricing Based on Someone Else's Rates

Copying someone else's pricing without considering your own circumstances is a common mistake. Your pricing should reflect your unique skills, experience, and market demand. While researching competitors can be informative, it should only serve as a point of reference, not a price-setting strategy.

Emotional Art Pricing

Your mood, sentimental attachment to a piece, or personal preferences should not influence your pricing. Art pricing should be objective and consistent, not based on your daily emotions.

Art Pricing Based on What the Customer Can Pay

Artists should avoid negotiating prices based on what the customer can afford. While it can be tempting to make a quick sale, your art has inherent value that should not be diminished. Focus on conveying the worth of your work to potential buyers rather than haggling over prices.

What You Should Base Your Art Prices On

Now that we've covered what doesn't work let's explore what you should consider when pricing your art. Your pricing strategy should be objective, consistent, and tailored to your unique circumstances.

Skill Level

Consider your skill level and experience when determining your prices. More skilled and experienced artists often command higher prices for their work.

Market Demand

Take into account the demand for your art in the market. How much are customers willing to pay for your pieces? Market demand can influence your pricing.

Previous Sales

What have you successfully sold your artwork for in the past? Your previous sales can serve as a reference point for setting prices.

Competitive Analysis

While you shouldn't copy competitors' prices, researching them can help you understand the market. Look at artists with similar offerings and skill levels for insights.

Size and Materials

The size of your artwork and the materials used can also affect pricing. Larger or more elaborate pieces may command higher prices.

Profit Considerations

Your pricing formula should ensure that you make a profit and cover your business expenses. Remember, you're not creating art as a hobby; it's a business, and your pricing should reflect that.

The Importance of an Art Pricing Formula

To maintain consistency and objectivity in your art pricing, it's essential to have a formula that guides your decisions. An art pricing formula helps you make informed choices and ensures that your prices are fair to both you and the customer.

The Art of Not Undercharging

Undercharging for your art can be detrimental to your career and the perception of your value as an artist. It's crucial to recognize your worth and avoid pricing your art too low. Instead, consider raising your prices to reflect your skills and experience.

Artpreneur Academy Art Pricing Formula

At Artpreneur Academy, we've developed an art pricing formula that provides clear, objective, and consistent guidance for artists. Our formula helps artists confidently set prices that reflect their worth and ensure profitability.

This formula isn't just a concept; it's a complete system that empowers artists to make pricing decisions with confidence. It's designed to be fair to both you and your customers, creating a win-win situation.

Join Artpreneur Academy

If you're ready to master the art of pricing and grow your art business, I invite you to join us at Artpreneur Academy. Our program is tailored to artists who want to earn a full-time income from their passion.

With Artpreneur Academy, you'll receive step-by-step guidance to build a profitable art business, free monthly coaching sessions with me, and much more. It's the ultimate resource for artists looking to thrive as independent business owners.

To learn more about Artpreneur Academy, attend our free master class called "Secrets of a Six-Figure Artpreneur."

In this class, you'll gain valuable insights into sales, social media, and branding strategies that can boost your art sales. Plus, you'll receive all the details about Artpreneur Academy.

Link to Free Master Class - Reserve Your Seat!

Don't miss this opportunity to take control of your art pricing and build a thriving art business. Join us at Artpreneur Academy, and I'll see you at the master class!

In conclusion, pricing your art is a complex but crucial aspect of your art business. It should be based on objective factors that reflect your skills, market demand, and profitability.

Avoid common pricing pitfalls, recognize your worth, and consider joining Artpreneur Academy to master the art of pricing and grow your art business. Your art has tremendous value, and it's time to price it accordingly.

Love and Positive Vibes,


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